Dec 6, 2009

Bat Hilton! (April 2009)

Well if you have followed us through our journey thus far you know that we had a bat issue in our attic. I being the conservationist and bat lover felt very sad for evicted the furry little bug eaters. So my awesome dad with is awesome carpentry skills made us the BAT HILTON for a Christmas gift. It is supposed to hold 300 bats. So then the planning started on where to put and get it up. Thankfully my not so bat loving husband humors me and worked on an awesome plan for getting the house up. It got installed in early May and many of the bats may have already taken up residence in the abandoned Larson house down the street. We did not have any roosting yet this year but we are hoping(or should I say I am hoping) that we will have some bats next summer. It certainly once again got the neighborhood talking like so many of our projects seem to. We have and endless stream of people driving by watching what we are doing and often asking questions which is really kind of cool. So we are putting out the bat Hilton signs and hoping a few of the bats will rent a room next year.



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