Nov 13, 2008

Carpet comes out

When we moved in the whole house had carpet in it. It was not nice looking carpet. Like most things in the house some of it was probably from the late 70's or early 80's. We were very anxious to see what types of flooring would be under the carpet. We had decided that we would concentrate with the downstairs first so several times we tried lifting edges of the carpet. We were anxious to start ripping out all the carpet downstairs however with all the projects we were working we started with the room that was the downstairs bedroom. The carpet was badly worn and under the carpet the foam pad was really stuck down. I used a outdoor ice scraper and a razor blade scraper to remove the stuck down pad residue and what we guess was a thick layer of dried carpet shampoo residue. The floors were not great need refinishing but could have been much worse.

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